This state of urgency (of womanhood)

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Photo by Engin Akyurt on

Being a woman I look back on making a lot of ‘wrong choices’. The way I look at it, I needed to get a driver’s license und thus a car to take me places. A roof over my head. A job that provided me with money. A man to have children with and not necessarily … Continue reading This state of urgency (of womanhood)

My genuine love for cats

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From my own collection

So far, so good. During my adult life, already 5 cats adopted me to be their housemaid. The one that provides cuddles, drink, food and candy. I’m pretty sure they like my company, for they don’t seem to plan an early escape. I must have been pretty young when I found out that cats and … Continue reading My genuine love for cats

Best medicine

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I often wonder where and how I can find my inspiration again, best practice. Till I read this, this evening. To be silent the whole day, see no newspaper, hear no radio, listen to no gossip, be thoroughly and completely lazy, thoroughly and completely indifferent to the fate of the world is the finest medicine … Continue reading Best medicine

Because I’m worth it.

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I don’t like cycling. The ‘thing’ does not yet have a battery and not even an autopilot, and partly because I hate cycling so much, I categorically refuse to buy such an expensive e-bike. Although I’m worth it. A little more movement in these guts would do me good. Now I take the car at … Continue reading Because I’m worth it.

About blending in

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Fortunately, I consider myself a woman with an attitude, rather than calling myself a feminist. However, yesterday’s court order with regard to abortion rules makes me feel like we have made a severe step back into the past, like some three hundred years or so. Some words about my sexual experience As I have never … Continue reading About blending in

How to preserve my own dinosaurs

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Image by Frank P. from Pixabay

People just die, don’t they? Only recently my brother left this life and I must say I do not fully understand the concept of it. Death I mean. I would have loved to have received a copy of his DNA-string. So in due time, I could simply ressurect him. In whatever form, young or old, … Continue reading How to preserve my own dinosaurs

It’s just a temporary hiatus

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Writing under boring and restricting conditions always gives me some sense of purpose. It’s like my brain is continuously surprised by the outcome of my fingers’ wisdom. As it’s obviously my fingertips that blurt out the common sense that my brain did not know it had. But now – recently my elder brother (56) passed … Continue reading It’s just a temporary hiatus

Those alarm bells are ringing louder

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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

This is going to be a bad news blog because life worries me more than ever. After all, things are not going well for women’s rights, especially in Afghanistan and communication, in terms of openness and understanding, in this world. Somehow, those alarm bells are ringing louder for me, because we are increasingly being taken … Continue reading Those alarm bells are ringing louder

WordPress troubles during the early morning

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This morning I was up early. There’s work to be done. And that site had a critical error that I definitely wanted to fix. But yeah, I couldn’t access the FTP. Or even a DirectAdmin. So I installed the File Manager plugin. And renamed the plugin folder, to see if that would still have the … Continue reading WordPress troubles during the early morning