I want to live in a bookstore

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The vacation was over. Slightly nervous about a new school year in a similarly new seventh grade, I shuffled into the largest bookstore here where I would receive my school books. The smell that met me upon entering was unmistakable. It smelt like a candy store. Intriguing and inviting. I’ll never forget that first time … Continue reading I want to live in a bookstore

Anne made me wanting to write

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Well, I don’t know about you, and your ideas about your writing antics, or where that sense comes from at all? My first memory of my will to write dates back to the time when ‘Anne Frank’s Diary’ was compulsory reading at school. I was twelve at the time and we were taught about World … Continue reading Anne made me wanting to write

Not a girlish girl (tomboy material)

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All my life I have had few friends because I am not a girlie kindish girl. I am more of a tomboy who has not grown up yet, or does not want to grow up and grow into a girlish man.  I’m the kind that used to be allowed to play soccer with the boys in … Continue reading Not a girlish girl (tomboy material)

The little feather that brought me to tears

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Twelve years ago a photo was taken of you while on vacation. A flying seagull appeared above your head. You died two years later. Exactly today, now 8 years ago. We chose – not thinking about this photo – a flying seagull on the funeral card. Only later did this ‘coincidence’ strike us. It was … Continue reading The little feather that brought me to tears