How I lost control

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Photo by Katerina Holmes on

When I finally passed 50, I still felt myself young at heart. I have a thriving social life and am the undisputed champion of weekly potty dating. But menopause proved to be my biggest challenger. One day, during an intense date with my boyfriend, I felt an unprecedented excitement. Not because of an exciting fling, … Continue reading How I lost control

Outsider, me

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Photo by Jan Laugesen on

Can remember I used to always think I was a maverick. One of those who had it figured out. As a maverick, in my choice of clothes, in my need to stay single, without wanting children, because imagine if my children inherited those same genes! And did everyone really have to participate in that house-hugging, … Continue reading Outsider, me

What’s in a title?

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It crept in slowly. For about 5 years now. Suddenly – especially the youth – address me as: “Madam”. Of course I should be happy about this. After all, everything is better than Miss. And at Christmas I received a Christmas card from an aunt of mine, gracefully addressed with: “Miss I…” Well, how old-fashioned … Continue reading What’s in a title?

What’s life like, these days?

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Personal After a rocky and rainy Springtime, I am so looking forward to the Summer sunshines and rays. It seems there’s is no ending of last Autumn. It just keeps going on. And it is now effecting my good health. I’ve been a little sick like the Flu is finally catching up with me, although … Continue reading What’s life like, these days?

X-mas spirit

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On Christmas Eve, as I flew through the streets as an old, somewhat forlorn and withered Christmas angel, I could not escape the cheerful melodies that sounded from the decorated houses. Everyone seemed to be infused with the Christmas spirit, except me. And while I was once chosen as a Christmas angel. I looked at … Continue reading X-mas spirit

Coco’s little secrets

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I lose Coco, my feline cat friend, quite often, although I often hear vague noises at a distance. But today I searched and found her in my bathroom. She was playing with my shower drain. She gets it out miraculously every time. And then she throws and rolls with it like she loves it. And … Continue reading Coco’s little secrets

Day dreaming

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Whenever I read the news again, I really don’t miss that feeling of despair afterwards. I would prefer to flee. Escape from this chaos. Of wars. What people do to each other. Which is not necessary. Well, I really believe that there should be room for everyone. For everything that lives, blooms and grows. So … Continue reading Day dreaming

Reading between the lines

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Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

Two boys were shooting their football back and forth. I watched that scene from above from the balcony, down there on that square.Suddenly there was a 2-year-old boy who was watching, longingly. And one of the bigger boys saw it and kicked the ball to the smaller kid. He did not hesitate and while he … Continue reading Reading between the lines