Dangerous safety, delusion of the day

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Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

In the United Kingdom (UK), a debate has rightly arisen about the safety of women after the disappearance and murder of Sarah Everard. It is estimated that over 70% of all women in the UK have endured (sexual) harassment in public places. That debate now seems to become a painful display and somehow I find … Continue reading Dangerous safety, delusion of the day

Selected exclusivities (on Social Media)

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Screenshot from Sacha Baron Cohen's Blast on Social Media

Have you also seen the Tweet with that short clip in which “Borat” star Sacha Baron Cohen gives the Social Media industry, and especially Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, a blast? Below the Tweet with the video: ‘If Facebook were around in the 1930s, it would have allowed Hitler to post 30-second ads’ — Listen to … Continue reading Selected exclusivities (on Social Media)

Remembering #Lennon80

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Afbeelding van pauldaley1977 via Pixabay.com

Must have been about seven years old when I first saw the movie Help! with The Beatles. That humor and even better their music immediately appealed to me. And I can remember afterwards stealing the LP of the same name from my brother’s room, and then turning it gray. More LPs followed. More videos. Every … Continue reading Remembering #Lennon80

Expressions: show them to me

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Facial expressions: a smile or a tear; I absolutely don’t want to miss them. I can’t afford to miss them. For me, it is a matter of survival. Because in the unlikely event that I could not hear you – as a hearing impaired person with Philips earrings – then before this perilous period without … Continue reading Expressions: show them to me

Discover your spot

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Image by Jürgen Rübig via Pixabay.com

This morning I woke up before the alarm went off. No wonder, because when that thing goes off the whole neighborhood would awaken, and I gladly prevent that. My first appointment is with the physiotherapist this morning. At precisely 8 o’clock. And the good man immediately gets to work, pushing, pulling and massaging. Every now … Continue reading Discover your spot